The property is owned by newlyweds who appreciate the benefits of sharing home comforts and an intimate ambience. They also wish to make good use of space to create the most comfortable family environment. In order to enhance the atmosphere in the couple’s cozy home, our Smart Living system has created a variety of lighting effects based on thematic modes. In addition, we integrated numerous home
Lighting control
Householder can enjoy full control of lighting and manage different dimming effects in selected areas by just one tap on a single interface in smartphones or tablets anytime, anywhere.
Curtain control
Householder can control curtains in home via one integrated interface in smartphones or tablets anytime, anywhere.
Air-con control
Householder can turn on and off the air-con via one integrated interface in smartphones or tablets anytime, anywhere.
Home monitoring system
Through an interface in smartphones or tablets, householder can remotely monitor their home anytime and anywhere by watching live pictures sent by the IP cam.
Home network
After the customized design and installation of home broadband network, including installation and set up of wireless routers, Wi-Fi signals cover nearly entire of the dwellingHouseholder can turn on and off the air-con via one integrated interface in smartphones or tablets anytime, anywhere.
Comments from customer

Patrick said: “I would like to express my sincere thanks to the HKT Smart Living team for their skilled efforts in installing the Smart Living system in our new home. Whether in or outside our home, we can use a smartphone or tablet to control the lighting, curtains and air-con, as well as AV equipment, at any time. The reward has been the utmost convenience and enhancements to our quality of living. We are extremely satisfied with the customized preset scenes because they make our home lifestyle more enjoyable and fun-filled. Although baby-sitter helps taking care of our baby, we still want to keep an eye on our baby anytime. That’s why we purchased the IP camera to make sure that we can enjoy peace of mind no matter where we are. I can now easily control our preset devices with just one touch on a smartphone app, which eliminates the hassle of looking for various remote control units all over the place. HKT Smart Living really has made our home smarter!”
Package price (for reference)
Approximately HKD$62,000#
The Smart Living team also purchased Smart TVs and a Hi-Fi system for the couple, then carried out all the setting-up work to ensure every single piece of equipment was connected to the Internet and suitably configured. One of the pleasing results was that the householders can explore Smart TV potential to the full.
^ Patrick has participated in Smart Living Staff Model Home scheme.
# This price is not intended to be an invitation to purchase. The actual price of any solution will depend on the technology selected, configuration of a customer’s home and other factors. The price is based on December 2014 as calculated reference.
* The above information and pictures are for reference only, and HKT Smart Living information carried by the latest Company communications materials shall prevail in the event of any discrepancy.